Thought For The Day


Feeling huge love and gratitude. Today I start work on a half hour(ish) long "get you to sleep track" So many nights I've had need of a kind warm space to relax and let go in.❤️

"It's been a long, long day. I've got some worn out shoes" :-) 

I woke this morning not long after five o'clock with and immediate feeling of sadness. This feeling had been growing for a few days with out rhyme or reason. It is a tiny down side to being an extremely lucky and predominantly happy chap that every now and then I must look at the other side of my shiny magical penny. This process as I look at it now seems to help me to keep the REASON close and visible. The reason is the why - why I spend so much time happy, why I find the world so inspiring. why I play music in the street and love to see the happiness it brings. There are many who see busking as begging and if that means they think I should get a proper job and stop relying on others then I ask who do you rely on? but it also makes me ask what does the beggar give when they take money with gratitude. and say gawd bless you with a smile. it warms the world from where I'm standing - it makes us real - beggar or Samaritan you make the world a better place by giving or gratefully receiving. it's hope, it's love. So why I ask my self. What the hell am I doing? Why? Because almost every day I wake up grateful and watch amazed as the universe takes what I do and amplifies it and bathes me in it and shares it with others . . .  I'll do my best to make it beautiful and true. A day or even just a moment (a smile) is such a magnificent gift. I am truly grateful.

This website 

This website is not just here to promote my music. There is a Forum here for conversation about positively changing society or maybe creating a space in society where people who dream of living a simple life close to the land and each other can do so - opting out of the rat race and the strenuous taxation which is placed on our time and money.

We can learn how to create useful things and trade with each other cultivate land and grow food. Love real life. and live in communities together. To me, working at a job that just provides money to buy food and pay for a roof over your head is a distant cousin of real life. I would like to get closer to actually living.

You can become a member of this website and contribute to this conversation - I'm not an expert, I just have a dream and would like to make friends with other dreamers and experts and anyone who wants to JOIN IN.

Magic Fairy Dust!! 

Walking this evening to the shop there was a drizzle so fine it was floating rather than falling. It felt like magicaly inspiring fairy dust, as the lights in town and the trees in the park took on a beauty and air of love and kindness. I looked around and felt loved.

"Song For Light Warriors" coming very soon. 

Today I sent off the artwork and audio master for the new album "Song For Light Warriors" and the finished album should be back in a little bit over two weeks. I will send copies to all who have bought the pre-release copies very soon after. If any Pre-release buyers are still waiting by 10th December Please email to let me know.

What is Serendipity, is it. . . ?  

Just as I was starting to freak out about getting the artwork done for My new album :Song For Light Warriors" I met a very tallented photographer called Megan Kelland who was doing a university project. . . any way she has very kindly allowed me to use the photo's she took of me busking in Bath. I have made some into a gallery on my website and am using some to make the CD artwork. I'm not sure which to use for the front of the album.

Charity & Love Christmas 

For the last few years we have been having quite large family christmas gatherings. The total cost of the presents would be astranomical if we did not have the rule that the presents should all be either second hand or home made. Charity shops (and carboot sales) are fantastic for finding Presents and it's turned out to be lots of fun. Making presents is also lots of fun.

To See The Beautiful Truth 

A positive future is favoured by a positive attitude.
A good day is favoured by an early smile.
But even when a good day goes bad we can be assured
that the lesson, when learned,will bring growth, strength and a
heightened ability to appreciate the Beautiful Truth.

Living on the Land 

Today our offer was excepted of lots of dosh for a field!!! the field is lovely - on the edge of a village, secluded and has lots of potential for converting sheds into studio's and workshops. We intend to plant an orchard and have a lawn and vegetable patch. This is uber exciting as it seems like a place where folk are not likely to take offence to that kind of behaviour :-) - Ask and you will receive :-)

From Sibstar posted in the forum 

"You are in control of what you bring into your life.. conceived as good or bad everything happens for a reason so a seemingly bad day most likely will turn out to be a situation that had to happen to make things better for the future.

The ability to feel satisfied within your own immediate experience..."

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